Online-Dating is our passion!

metaflake runs Online Dating review sites in several countries around the world and has connected over 3 million people to dating services that fit their needs. The company is also well known for its in-depth market analysis.

metaflake was founded in 2003 and is located in Hennef (next to Cologne/Germany) and Bütschtwil (Switzerland).

In 2021 Compado GmbH (Berlin) became owner of all the non-german review sites mentionned here.

Our international expert team:

Henning Wiechers

Henning is the founder of metaflake.

Henning ist der Gründer von metaflake.

Daniel Baltzer

Daniel has been observing the world of online dating in Austria and Switzerland since 2006. He is now a leading expert in the industry.

Daniel beobachtet seit 2006 die Welt der Singlebörsen in Österreich und in der Schweiz. Er gilt in den Medien als führender Experte zum Thema.

Thomas Kuhlmann

Thomas has been observing the world of online dating in France and Switzerland since 2005. He is well known for his interviews in the local media.

Thomas observe le marché des rencontres en ligne depuis 2005. Il est l'un des plus grands experts dans les médias français et suisse.

Margareta Lund

Margareta is our Online Dating expert for Norway, Sweden and Denmark. She has worked with metaflake since 2008.

Margareta Lund har siden 2008 overvåget online-dating-scenen i de skandinaviske lande og betragtes af medierne som førende ekspert inden for området.

Anna Gonzalez

Anna has been observing the online dating scene in Spain since 2006. She is considered one of the leading experts in the industry.

Anna está mirando la escena de citas en línea en España desde 2006. En los medios de comunicación es considerada experta en este tema.